Software Architecture topics
- fitness functions
- fitness functions for Serverless architectures
- monitoring evolution with fitness functions
- when to use safe deployments ?
- using bounded contexts inside a Serverless architecture. is it worth further segregating layers ?
- takeaways form the book: “Building Evolutionary Architectures” from O’reilly, authored by Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons and Patrick Kua
- using with kubeless
- OpenFaas vs kubeless
- gitlab integrations (has one with kubeless)
- monorepo of domain functions
- polyglot monorepo
- A Comparison of Serverless Frameworks for Kubernetes: OpenFaas, OpenWhisk, Fission, Kubeless and more
Building Evolutionary Architectures with Serverless 2.0
- support for monitoring fitness functions out of the box
- e2e tests inside a CI box
Domain Driven Design Tools for Typescript and Serverless #DDD
- generate a graphQl gateway layer to put in place of an existing Rest Api
- contract testing with GraphQl
- using graphql for defining Ubiquitous Language
- use graphql to define domain layers, in particular the graphql schema