Day 10 of Machine Learning in Review
• • ☕️ 2 min readWhat Kind Of Data Scientist Do You Want To Be?
According to this video, there are several data scientist archetypes:
- The Detective, a master of analysis,
- The Oracle, a master of modeling,
- The Maker, a master of engineering, and
- The Generalist, proficient at everything.
I liked the fact that they offered insights on the niches of Machine Learning inside a company. Looking forward I was so tempted to set myself the goal of becoming a Generalist without realising how good an Oracle I am.
I loved the point made about people in the industry that avoid becoming proficient in data mechanics.
Coding Challenge #100.2: Neuroevolution Flappy Bird - Part 2
Loads of fun, knowledge and practical bits. Comes with a plethora of great link, here is what I went thorough briefly:
How to Study Machine Learning
Here is my assessment of my own situation through the steps:
- Live a healthy lifestyle. I gave up a gym subscription in February due to an expectation of moving home, but I have already started to pay the price. I can confirm an ever improving healthy lifestyle was at the root of my professional rise so far. For the past 3 months I have been working on my diet. I consider part of it to be a dose of daily reading as it keeps the mind active and I gave up listening to music while working, instead I listed to youtube case studies. I failed to integrate podcasts into my routine so far.
- Optimize your learning environment. I cannot wait to swap houses, already overdue due to lender complications. The new house has a dedicated room to study and video recording.
- Create a personalized learning path. I plan to use my 15 days of the challenge to put a plan in place. I am an audio learner, but learning ML needs all my senses.
- Prioritize I too have todo lists, with the help of airtable I was able to bring all of my lists together. Each morning I make sure to put the most important 3 tasks for the day in my Today list while updating a backlog for the day.
- Be an active learner. I love the Fast framework myself, while on more complex tasks like learning a new language I love applying John Sonmez's 10 step method based on the same Fast principles. My method of teaching others at the moment consist in writing blog articles, I am eager to expand it to video recordings. I had a try last summer with Packt Publishing, but my current situation makes it complicated for video recordings.