Decebal on programming

Day 6 of Machine Learning in Review

☕️ 2 min read

Resources explored

For people whom need a little more structure I looked into some courses, here’s what I found so far:

  • Practical Convolutional Neural Networks: The Course Overview |

    • Looks amazingly useful for beginners
    • Love the examples
    • Authors seem well versed on the subject
  • TensorFlow 1.x Deep Learning Recipes for Artificial Intelligence App: Course Overview |

    • Dives into Deep Learning and generally goes a step further that the previous course
    • The recipes for TensorFlow are my personal favourite
  • Driven Data Competitions

    • their competition model almost ensures they always have a challenge open, currently 3–4 open
    • found this data source that might be useful for other purposes as well:, although at first glance I wouldn’t know where to start if i was looking for a specific data set
  • Kaggle Competitions

    • You can even see Suraj (author of #100DaysOfMLCode Challenge) competing on his channel:
      • watching this approach of Suraj would give you the insights necessary to his development process
    • I just had to pick a few really interesting challenges: